Cable Terminator
Cable Terminator Installation
Cable Terminator Exploded
Classified Hazardous Area Compliant

Taurus offers Class I, Division 1 Cable Terminators for use with MC-HL cable in a fully certified explosion-proof system. The National Electric Code requires the use of a cable terminator/gland on the power end of Metal Clad Hazardous Location (MC-HL) Cable in an existing classified area. Classified hazardous areas are those areas within a 15 foot radius of any well or wellhead component.

Taurus provides Cable Terminators/Glands to accommodate any cable size. The terminators feature a rugged construction of corrugated aluminum, interlocked aluminum and interlocked steel that insures a strong mechanical watertight environmental seal while allowing maximum electrical flow. The terminated cable can be threaded into an explosion-proof junction box or a sheet metal junction box (with Myer’s Hub).

Terminators can be shipped pre-installed on Surface Pigtail cable or separately, depending on customer preference.

Surface Pigtail Accessories
Surface Accessories Layout